status quo does not exist here…

Our aim is to be at the forefront of evidence-informed learning in the basketball world. An academy which inspires and challenges conventional thinking at all levels: from grassroots to NCAA to the NBA. Many teams and programs, even at the highest levels of our game, rely on traditional methods using old-school coaching methods based on opinion vs evidence. This is not us. We exist to challenge the status quo and show general managers, coaches, clubs and academies that there is another way.

Our players work with coaches who are life-long learners, passionate about combining the science of motor learning and skill acquisition with their own practical experiences. Evidence-informed approaches are not just incorporated into basketball, but EVERYTHING that happens here. From athletic performance, to what players eat, mental health, sleep habits, how to study and much more.

Many programs do not have a rationale or evidence-base for how they operate. These clubs and academies justify their traditional approaches by talking about the players that came from their system. For every player produced from these traditional programs, many other players unfortunately did not make it and their journeys were sadly never shared. This is a concept known as survivorship bias.

At College, every player is treated as a person first and foremost. We do not apply linearised training methods because human development is non-linear. This means every single person is different. Our whole team is committed to transformational coaching where players are inspired, encouraged to think, explore new ideas and develop as both human beings and basketball players. We do not believe in screaming at players, training for several hours every day, running daily 6am work-outs, and making elite basketball anything other than the enriching and joyful experience it should be.

We are on a quest to do different. We hope you can join us on the journey!

Players work with coaches who are well renowned in their respective fields. The Constraints-Led Approach underpinned by Ecological Dynamics provides the theoretical basis for how we approach our whole program, from basketball to athletic performance and everything in-between!


go behind the scenes



How does College Prep play both offensively and defensively? What about the training schedule, or what goes on in a player development and team practice? All these answers and much more are covered in this section…



Are you a mindful athlete? At College Prep, we teach how you can separate yourself from the pack through mindfulness and mental skills training.

athletic development

The details that make the difference! We go far deeper than covering just strength. Our athletic performance covers movement and coordination, load management, nutrition, recovery, sleep and more.



Read about how we set our players up for success for when it comes time to graduate from the College Prep program.

meet the 2022/23
college prep team