prep athletic performance

We aim to create the most fluid-moving athletes possible, where movements of great complexity become innate and effortless. Combining evidence-based methods, modern concepts and meticulous monitoring, our athletic performance program minimises injury risk, maximises recovery and elevated on court performance.

evidence-based ideas

Our athletic performance staff are informed of the latest research, which is applied in creative ways to optimise learning and ensure maximum transfer to human performance. As with the basketball side of the program, we are big believers in applying the principles of ecological dynamics.

individualized programs

Every player is unique due with their own individual constraints. Therefore we do not believe in generic strength programmes. Each program is tailor-made based on the needs of every individual athlete. Our athletic performance staff frequently update these plans during the year.

movement and coordination

While we consider strength to be a vital component of athletic performance, we place an equal emphasis on movement and coordination. This includes doing non-basketball activities with our players to ensure we develop coordinated athletes.

our program

A typical week will include between three strength sessions, which are organised based on a range of factors such as the period within the season, fatigue levels, upcoming competition etc.

We believe in far more than ‘just strength.’ Our athletic performance program draws heavily from martial arts and other non-basketball activities.

xps partnership

XPS is a complete software solution, which is used as the AMS (Athlete Management System) for players and staff at College Prep. An NBA level software, XPS is the glue which connects many components of the College program.

We are delighted to have an exclusive partnership with XPS Sideline Sports, being one of the few academies in Europe to make use of the extensive XPS offering.

XPS is especially important for our athletic performance staff as we use the technology for calculating training load, compiling nutrition logs, storing performance plans and much more.

Watch this video as Head Coach Alex Sarama demonstrates how XPS is used throughout the College program.