“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”

– Benjamin Franklin

education options

Online School

Many College Prep players have an option to continue with the study program of their native country by following online classes. Players therefore establish their own remote learning programs with schools in their home country, with Prep providing a dedicated study space each day.

PIE Academy

For players unable to find a high school in their native country offering online learning, we have a great option to study and receive a US High School diploma through our partner PIE Academy. Players can study in their own time, receiving a dedicated online tutor and accessing the excellent course-based learning PIE Academy provide.


traffic light system

Regardless of what schooling option our players opt for, a traffic light system is adopted for ALL players to ensure that academic standards remain high. Our College Staff have access to our players grades and academic attainment, allowing for the following traffic light system to be adopted:

Green = Hitting all academic requirements, participate in all College Prep activities

Orange = Some concern in one or two academic subjects, reduce Prep activities with player development sessions removed.

Red = Significant concern with grades across multiple subjects, can no longer participate in any College Prep games or tournaments until back in Orange.


s.a.t support

All players will be registered for their S.A.T tests by our College staff to ensure of their eligibility for NCAA programs.

The S.A.T is self-studied and player can sit the test in Milano or Torino, the local S.A.T test centres.



How can you successfully speak to the media, giving top-notch interviews?

How can you use Instagram and Twitter professionally?

What are some basic tips for managing your finances?

What about developing healthy relationships?

All these questions and much more are covered in our College Prep life skills sessions. These sessions are delivered to ensure we prepare our players as best we can for whatever they encounter during their future careers!