what is mindfulness?


Jon Giesbrecht was our full-time mindfulness coach in our inaugural 2021-22 season. While Jon is now living back in his native Canada, where he founded his own company @playfreeball, his ideas have had a huge impact on our program. We have taken Jon’s mindfulness concepts and incorporated them into our weekly programming here at College Prep. This includes working on exercises focussed around Eastern philosophy, breath work exercises, coping with anger etc. We use Jon’s meditations at times during the season before / after practices and games.

experience mindfulness

Take 5 minutes out of your busy day to join us in a quick meditation. This is an example of how the College Prep team may prepare for a practice.

The podcast below features Jon Giesbrecht and Head Coach Alex Sarama talking about the importance of mindfulness, and why this is emphasised as part of the College Prep program.

why do we practice mindfulness?

Mindfulness allows us to TRUST our skills…

Mindfulness allows us to ENJOY our experience…

Mindfulness allows us to FOCUS on what’s important now…